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​​Link Aadhaar with PAN, Voter ID, License, & Other Services

In this article we shall be learning about various linkings that are mandatory or helpful in our daily life and also to comply with Indian Tax laws:

  1. Aadhar Linking with PAN
  2. Aadhar Linking with Insurance Policies
  3. Aadhar Linking with (Voter Card) NVSP Portal

The linking of Aadhaar number with the individual’s voter ID card is an effective way to get rid of bogus or multiple voter ID cards in a single individual’s name. Following are the steps for linking Aadhaar Card with voter ID:

Online Aadhaar linking through ​NVSP Portal

The linking of Aadhaar with voter ID can be done on National Voter Service Portal (NVSP). Once You visit their website, the following steps should be followed:

Step 1: Enter your details such as state, district, personal details such as name, date of birth and father’s name.

Step 2: Once you fill in all these details then, click on the “Search” button. If the information provided by you matches with the Government database, then the details will appear.

Step 3: Click on “Feed Aadhaar No.” option which will be there on the left-hand side of your screen.

Step 4: Once you click there, a pop-up page will appear where you will have to fill in your name as provided in Aadhaar card, Aadhaar number, voter ID number, registered mobile number and/or registered email address.

Step 5: Click on “submit” after entering in all the details.

Step 6: A message will appear on the screen stating that your application to link Aadhaar with voter ID has been registered successfully.

Link Aadhaar through SMS

To link your Aadhaar number with your Voter ID, send an SMS to 166 OR 51969 in the following format:

< Voter ID Number > < Aadhaar_Number >

Link Aadhaar through phone

Linking of Aadhar with Voter ID can also be done by calling the dedicated call centres set up for this purpose or you can simply call 1950 on weekdays between 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and provide your Voter ID and Aadhaar card information for the purpose of linking.

Link through booth-level officers

Aadhar can also be linked with Voter ID by submitting an application to your respective Booth Level Officer (BLO). The information provided will be verified by the BLO and after verification, it will be reflected in the records.

​How to Link Aadhaar with Insurance Policies – Online & Offline

Linking of Aadhaar with insurance policies has been made mandatory by the government and the timeline to link your Aadhaar details with financial services has been extended to 31st of March 2018. Problems might arise while settlement of claims if the insurance policies are not linked by the given deadline. As per the insurance regulatory and development authority (IRDAI)’s instruction, every insurer must link the new and existing insurance policies to the Aadhar number, without any further delay.

To help the policyholders, the insurance companies like health insurer, general insurer, motor insurer and life insurer are sending notifications on a regular basis. Linking of Aadhaar can be done through following modes:

Linking Aadhaar with insurance policies via online mode

For linking Aadhar with an insurance policy, the insurer should ensure to link their mobile number and Aadhaar before trying to link insurance policy with Aadhaar. However, the linking process is different for a registered and a non-registered user:

1. For the registered user

A registered user should follow the below-mentioned steps to complete the linking process:

Step 1: Visit the customer service portal of the insurance company

Step 2: Add all the Aadhaar details in the respective boxes

Step 3: Verify and submit

Step 4: A one-time password (OTP) will be sent on Aadhaar registered mobile number

Step 5: Enter the Aadhar number to get the Aadhaar linked to the insurance policy

2. For the non-registered user

The non-registered policyholders should follow the below-mentioned steps to link Aadhar and insurance policy:

Step 1: Visit the website of insurance company

Step 2: Enter details like PAN, date of birth, mobile number, email ID, policy number, and Aadhaar number

Step 3: After entering the Aadhar number, an OTP is sent to the registered mobile number

Step 4: Enter the OTP in the required box

Step 5: On entering the OTP, the Aadhar card and insurance policy will get linked

Linking Aadhaar with insurance policies via offline mode

Linking can be done by following the below-mentioned steps:

Step 1: Visit the nearest branch office of the insurance company or contact the insurance agent

Step 2: Carry your Aadhar card and a self-attested copy of 12-digit unique identification card

Step 3: Submit it to the officer to get the Aadhar and insurance policy linked

Documents required for linking insurance policies and Aadhaar

Following documents are required to link Aadhaar with insurance policy:

  1. The 12-digit Aadhaar number
  2. Permanent account number (PAN)/Form 60 or 61
  3. The PAN card or Form 60/61 should be submitted every time an account holder wishes to make a payment of more than Rs. 50,000.

​How to Link Aadhaar Number to PAN Card ?

1. How to link Aadhaar with Pan Card

As per the Income Tax Department notification, income tax returns could be e-filed without linking Aadhaar and PAN till 5 August 2017. The deadline to link PAN with Aadhaar, which was initially extended from 31st August 2017 to 31st December 2017 and subsequently to 31st March 2018 followed by 30th June 2018 has now been extended to 31st March 2019.

Do note that while income tax returns can be filed without linking, the tax department will not process the returns until PAN and Aadhaar are linked. People can visit the official e-filing website of the department to link the two identities, in both the cases– identical names in the two databases or in case where there is a minor mismatch.

2. Online Linking of Aadhaar Number and PAN
Online linking of Aadhaar number with PAN can be done by logging on to the income tax e-filing portal.

There are two ways of doing it on the income tax portal.

1. Without logging in to your account (2 step procedure)

2. Logging in to your account (6 step procedure)

1. Without logging in to your account (2 step procedure)

Step 1: Go to and click on the link on the left pane – Link Aadhaar

Step 2: Enter the following details:
  • PAN;
  • Aadhaar no.; and
  • Name as exactly specified on the Aadhaar card (avoid spelling mistakes)

After entering the details click on submit. Post verification from UIDAI the linking will be confirmed. 

Link Aadhaar Card to PAN Step 1 

In case of any minor mismatch in Aadhaar name provided, Aadhaar OTP will be required. Please ensure that the date of birth and gender in PAN and Aadhaar are exactly same. In a rare case where Aadhaar name is completely different from name in PAN, then the linking will fail and taxpayer will be prompted to change the name in either Aadhaar or in PAN database.

2. Logging in to your account (6 step procedure)

Step 1: Register yourself at the income tax e filing portal, if you are not already registered. Step 2: Log in to the e-Filing portal of the Income Tax Department by entering the login ID, password and date of birth 

link aadhaar to pan step 2 

Step 3: After logging in to the site, a pop up window will appear prompting you to link your PAN card with Aadhaar card. If you don’t see the popup, go to blue tab on the top bar named ‘Profile Settings’ and click on ‘Link Aadhaar’.

 link aadhaar to pan step 3 

Step 4: Details such as name, date of birth and gender will already be mentioned as per the details submitted at the time of registration on the e-Filing portal. Verify the details on screen with the ones mentioned on your Aadhaar card. Step 5: If the details match, enter your Aadhaar number and captcha code and click on the “Link now” button.

 link aadhaar to pan step 4 

Step 6: A pop-up message will inform you that your Aadhaar number has been successfully linked to your PAN card.

 link aadhaar to pan step 5 

link aadhaar to pan step 3 

Step 4: Details such as name, date of birth and gender will already be mentioned as per the details submitted at the time of registration on the e-Filing portal. Verify the details on screen with the ones mentioned on your Aadhaar card.

Step 5: If the details match, enter your Aadhaar number and captcha code and click on the “Link now” button.

 link aadhaar to pan step 4 

Step 6: A pop-up message will inform you that your Aadhaar number has been successfully linked to your PAN card. link aadhaar to pan step 5 

3. Linking of Aadhaar Number and PAN via SMS
Now you can link your Aadhaar and PAN through SMS also. The Income Tax Department has urged taxpayers to link their Aadhaar with their PAN, using an SMS-based facility.

It can be done by sending an SMS to either 567678 or 56161.

Send SMS to 567678 or 56161 from your registered mobile number in the following format:

UIDPAN<SPACE><12 digit Aadhaar><Space><10 digit PAN>
Example: UIDPAN 123456789123 AKPLM2124M also.

The Income Tax Department has urged taxpayers to link their Aadhaar with their PAN, using an SMS-based facility. It can be done by sending an SMS to either 567678 or 56161.

Send SMS to 567678 or 56161 from your registered mobile number in the following format:

UIDPAN<SPACE><12 digit Aadhaar><Space><10 digit PAN>

Example: UIDPAN 123456789123 AKPLM2124M