DPCC (Delhi Pollution Control Committee) License
DPCC Stands for Delhi Pollution Control Committee which was established by Central Pollution Board and Government of India through Ministry of Forest and Climate Change. Air, Water and Noise Pollution undertaking or consent issued in four different categories, white category, green category, orange category and red category. White Category was introduced in 2016 and considered as least air and water polluted category and covered 206 units. Assembling, garment cutting and stitching, metal fabrication, light engineering works etc units covered under this category. White category units need to apply for undertaking and this is considered as Consent to establishment and Consent to operate. Green Category covered those units which has pollution index between 21 to 40 and covered 122 units. Bakery, paper product, corrugation boxes, injection moulding etc units covered this category. Units of this category first apply for consent to establishment followed by consent to operate.
Validity period of Consent to establishment (CTE) and Consent to Operate (CTO) is one year and ten years respectively. Applicant can apply less then 10 years for Consent to operate. Orange Category covered units which has pollution index between 41 to 59 and covered 252 units. Printing, chemicals, utensils, washing and dying etc units covered under this category. Units of this category first apply for consent to establishment and then consent to operate. Validity period for consent to establishment (CTE) and Consent to Operate is 1 year and 5 years respectively. Applicant can apply for less than 5 years for consent to operate (CTO).
TAXAJ is the best DPCC Consultant to obtain pollution control certificate in Delhi. We help industrial units to apply pollution certificate according to the norms of DPCC and master plan of Delhi.
It usually takes 15 to 20 working days.
- Application for DPCC License
- Follow up with Department
- Allotment of Certificate of DPCC
- Any entity that is included in activities that can lead to the production of industrial or commercial waste must get CTE and CTO, by applying with the State Pollution Control Committee in Form I.
- Purchase of Plan
- Expert Assigned
- Preparation of documents
- Filing with Department
Name, Contact Number and Email Id of all the Stakeholders.
Directors Identification Number, if already.
Self Attested PAN, Aadhar & Passport size photo of all the Stakeholders.
Certificate of CA
Location Plan/ Site Plan of the Business Entity.
Documents of Land such as Registration deed/ Rent deed/ Jamabandi/ lease deed indicating the details of the property
Partnership Deed/Resolution of Board of Director/ Memorandum of Article of Association /Proprietorship certificate
Municipality/Local Body Water Connection Certificate.
All your Questions for DPCC License ends here!
DPCC- Consent to Establish(CTE) and Consent to Operate(CTO)
CTE has to be taken by industry from the State Pollution Control Board following the Water Act, 1974 and the Air Act, 1981, before starting the construction activities on site.
A CTO has to be taken by an industry from the State Pollution Control Board following the Air Act, 1981 and the Water Act, 1974, before the commencement of it’s production activities.
DPCC issues the CTE to industrial plants before it’s establishment and CTE before the industry begins it’s working operations begin. In complete, there are about 637 industries in Delhi which are classified further for better prevention of pollution.
White category industries do not need a consent certificate. Because of it’s non-polluting nature, they just need an undertaking. They can submit the undertaking online and transfer a hard copy of the undertaking along with other documents to DPCC.
All the industries falling under the green, orange, and red category have to apply for CTO and CTE. The validity period for CTE varies from 1 -7 years. Additionally, the CTE for the red and orange category is 5 years and 10 years for green category industries.
Procedure for Getting CEO/CTO
- All major documents must be gathered
- Once the documents have been checked by the experts, they are presented with the State Pollution Control Board along with the directed fee.
- Submission of monitoring reports i.e. is of Air, water or noise
- Submission of other significant reports, as demanded by the Board.
- Application for Increase invalidity of COE for Red, Green and Orange Category
- Request letter addressing the reason for the non-completion of the project in determined time along with the status of installation of pollution control devices or plant and machinery.
- DPCC has declared that the application shall be conducted by 50% of NOC Fee year as per the entire project cost
- In case the NOC was not granted online, you are asked to submit a copy of NOC granted, Feasibility Report and proof of Project Report presented at the time of getting No Objection Certificate.
Upon satisfaction of above-mentioned steps, the CTE is assigned by the Board. Following, a similar procedure for obtaining the CTO.
Is DPCC Authorization Mandatory? Who Has Required Approval From The Board?
Is DPCC Authorization Mandatory? Who Has Required Approval From The Board?
Documents Required to Apply for Sanction from DPCC for Consent to Establish (CTE) of the Proposed
Plant/Industry Are:
- Authorized Pan card (unit/Project)
- Authorized Aadhar card
- Pan card of the unit in case of Partnership/Company
- Authorization letter (except Proprietorship)
- CA Letter for total project cost
- Site Plan /Naksha
- FSSAI Certificate for food businesses
- Proof of Ownership (Rent Deed, Registration deed, Lease deed, etc)
- Water Bill (Connection certificate)
- GST Certificate
General Guidelines
Following are the basic guidelines set by the Delhi pollution control committee:
- Any category of industries, which are permissible in the mixed land use areas or zones as per by-laws of the notified Master Plan, only those industries will be eligible for the grant of “Pollution Control No Objection certificate through Delhi Pollution Control Committee”.
- No proposed industry of any category shall be allowed in the approved residential area of any town/city of Delhi. Besides this, any industry falling in the red/orange category shall not be given consent to establish by the state pollution control board within the Municipal Corporation limit’s except in the designated industrial area/zone.
- All Orange/red/green category of industries that shall be established only in certain areas/zone other than designated/approved areas like industrial area, industrial focus point, approved industrial park, industrial estate and the industrial zone of the statutory or non-statutory master plans will be allowed to set up at a distance of 100 meters outside the “Municipal Council limit’s , designated residential area, Phirni of the village, a residential area comprising of 15 pucca houses by the Competent Authority of the state”. In these cases, a certificate of it’s location from the nearest village such as “Lal Laker/ Phirni/Municipal corporation” which has been approved by the Revenue Authorities such as Deputy Commissioner/ Additional Deputy Commissioner or the Sub-Divisional Magistrate will be required for the grant of consent to establish [(NOC)/Authorization by the state pollution control board will be required].