Legal Metrology Packaged Commodity

If you are importing goods, especially pre-packaged commodities or in India, then you must take LMPC Registration Certificate before importing. Rule says that u/s 27 of LMPC rules of the Department of Consumer Affairs. The LMPC registration must be applied within three months from the date of import. But the practice is that you'll not be able to take your goods out of custom houses efore submitting your LMPC Certificate.
We at TaxaJ are there to help, we can get you your LMPC Certificate in 7 days and let your imports go smoothly. For past One year we have see that almost every import product now requires this certification. So do not worry, and we are there to assist you. If you're an Importer of pharmaceutical products or medical equipment or any electronic and IT Products than you are definitely covered under LMPC Certificate regulation. The general provision of the certification says that it will take 90 days for the certification, but we have track record of providing our clients within 7 days.
TAXAJ is the best LMPC Consultant to obtain LMPC Certificate in Delhi.
It usually takes 7 to 10 working days.
- Application for LMPC License
- Follow up with Department
- Allotment of Certificate of LMPC
- Any entity that does import of products from foreign.
- Purchase of Plan
- Expert Assigned
- Preparation of documents
- Filing with Department
- Excel sheet with Product Details.
- Certificate of Incorporation.
- GST Registration Certificate.
- Import Export Code
- Board Resolution.
- PAN & Aadhaar card of the Authorised signatory of the firm.
- Complete Date of Birth of the Authorised signatory.
- Products list with its 8 digit ITC(HS) code.
- 1 Mobile No & 1 email ID for registration purpose.
LMPC License Importance and Benefits, Explained in this short video!
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Overview of Legal Metrology Packaged Commodities (LMPC) Registration
Overview of Legal Metrology Packaged Commodities (LMPC) Registration
The legal Metrology Act, 2009 is responsible for establishing and enforcing standards of weights and measures, regulating the trade and commerce in weights, measurements and other goods which are sold or distributed by the medium of weight, measure or numbers. This Act is applicable for whole of the country. The Registration under the Act may be called as Legal Metrology Registration or Legal Metrology Packaged Commodity (LMPC) License.
Any dealer of the commodities, measured by weight, measurement and number is required to get himself registered under the Legal Metrology Act. The business as specified under the law includes buying, selling, supplying or distributing the commodities by any such weight or measure, either in cash or for deferred payment or for commission, remuneration or other valuable consideration. The business may be conducted by a commission agent, an importer, a manufacturer and includes selling, supplying, distributing or otherwise delivery of any weight or measure.
The Act of legal Metrology applies on every pre-packaged commodity. The international units of measurement shall be followed which indicates the following base units:
(i) length - metre;
(ii) mass - kilogram;
(iii) time - second;
(iv) electric current - ampere;
(v) thermodynamic temperature - kelvin;
(vi) luminous intensity - candela; and
(vii) amount of substance - mole.
Prohibitions Under The Legal Metrology Act:
A person shall not manufacture, repair or sell, or offer for repair or sale, of any weight or measure unless he/she holds a valid LMPC Certificate as issued by the Authority. Provided that a manufacturer shall not require any Legal Metrology Licence to repair his own weight or measure in a State other than the State of manufacture of the same.
Legal Metrology Standards in India are defined and implemented by the government of India, Department of Consumer Affairs under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public distribution. While the Legal Metrology Act, 2009, presented under central jurisdiction, has been established as a model Act. Each individual State in India has the right to implement the Act with or without adjustments. Moreover, a couple of states have approved their own Act to manage the issues and matters identified with Legal metrology.
Legal Provisions
Legal Provisions
Section 19 Of The Act
No individual has the authority to import any weight or measure if he is not registered with the Concerned Authority and holds a valid LMPC Certification.
Section 38
If any individual indulges in the activity of importing any weight or measure without being registered under the Act, then a fine shall be imposed on such person, which may extend up to Rs 25000 for the second or subsequent offence, and with an imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months.
Registration Procedure
Registration Procedure
- Rule 15 of the Legal Metrology (General) Rules, 2011, defines the procedure for registration. The structure related to the fee payable is described in the Twelfth Schedule, and the format related to the application is described in the Tenth Schedule of the said Rules.
- Standard weights and measures or parts thereof might be imported.
- Producers or vendors will require enlistment as an importer from the Director of Legal Metrology, GOI.
- The application ought to be submitted in the advised form, through the State Controller, to the Director of Legal Metrology, alongside the prescribed fee of Rs 100, in any event, one month before the import. The Controller will forward the application alongside a report on predecessors and technical capacities of the importer.
- Registration remains valid for five years and is renewable as well.
Documents Required for LMPC Certification
Documents Required for LMPC Certification
- Excel sheet with Product Details.
- Certificate of Incorporation.
- GST Registration Certificate.
- Import Export Code
- Board Resolution.
- PAN & Aadhaar card of the Authorised signatory of the firm.
- Complete Date of Birth of the Authorised signatory.
- Products list with its 8 digit ITC(HS) code.
- 1 Mobile No & 1 email ID for registration purpose.
Important Guidelines for LMPC Certification
Important Guidelines for LMPC Certification
Here are some guidelines that traders have to follow for the registration during the import/export of goods. Guidelines cover measuring of weight under Section 47 of the Standing of Weights and Measures Act, 1976.
- Application for the underlying registration shall be made along with a fee of Rs. 500/ - in the favour of "Pay and Accounts official" D/o Consumer Affairs, New Delhi.
- General Rules under the LMPC Act defines that any product which is imported and have a certain specifications on its packaging label. That label information should be honored and the contains in that should be specific according to that.
- In case of incomplete application, the Controller of Legal Metrology shall return the same within seven days of receiving the application.
- If the application is complete in every respect, then the Controller shall grant the LMPC certificate to the applicant within ten days of receiving the application.
Build's Customers Trust
Benefits of Legal Metrology Act Registration
Measurement plays a crucial role in the trade practices. It is the demand of the effective trade to be transparent and create a balance between the traders and consumers.
Q. What is the Registration Procedure for LMPC Certifications?
Ans. According to Section 47 of Standing of Weights and Measures Act, 1976. Application for LMPC registration of exporter/importer of weight or measure is to be applied to the controller of Legal Metrology of State/UT in which the exporter/Importer is registered. Remember LMPC is a state wise affair. Each state has its own set of some rules for approval alongside request draft if Rs. 5,000/ - for "Pay and Accounts official" D/o Consumer Affairs, New Delhi.
General Rules define the list of items for weight OR measure and registration shall be done only of those items. If it is incomplete then give it back to the Controller of Legal Metrology within 7 days of receiving application, under intimation to the applicant. If the application is complete in every respect then grant the registration certificate to the applicant within 10 days of receiving the application under Limitation of controller of Legal Metrology.
Q. What is the Registration Procedure?
Q. Who needs LMPC Registration?
Case 1: Registration for importing/manufacturing/packing of packaged commodities.
Rule 27 of the Legal Metrology (Packed and Commodities) Rules, 2011, makes registration compulsory for every importer, manufacturer or packer of packaged commodities. The registration might be made with the Director of Legal Metrology of the Central government or the Controller of Legal metrology of the State where the importing in or pressing is finished. No matter where the registration is done, following conditions are valid for the entire country.
Case 2: Registration for importing weights and measures.
Legal Provisions. Section 19 Of The Act, No individual has the authority to import any weight or measure if he is not registered with the Director in such manner and on payment of fees, as prescribed.
Q. What is Section 38?
If any individual indulge in the activity of importing any weight or measure and that is too without being registered under the Act then a fine will be imposed on the person which may extend up to Rs 25,000 for the second or subsequent offence, with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months