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TAXAJ Corporate Services LLP - Financial Doctors

License to Manufacture Insecticides

This license provided by Ministry of Agriculture under Insecticides Act 1968, is for any person desiring to manufacture insecticides in India. Applicants may apply to the Licensing authority, Directorate of Plant Protection, Quarantine and Storage and there shall be a separate application for each such insecticide. Any person engaged in the business of manufacturing any insecticide immediately  before the commencement of Section 9 of the Insecticides Act, 1968 should have made an application to the Registration Committee within seventeen months from the date of such commencement for the registration of any insecticide which he/ she has been manufacturing before that date. If applicant has been delayed in filing for registration, they may be subject to penalties by the Registration Committee. 

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About This Plan

Application for Manufacturing License for Insecticides

Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017


Depends upon case to case basis

Services Covered
Who Should Buy
How It's Done
Documents Required
Services Covered

  • Manufacturing License for Insecticides
Who Should Buy
  • Any person or entity that wants to manufacture insecticides may apply to the Licensing Authority for the registration of such insecticide and there should be a separate application for each insecticide.
How It's Done

    • Purchase of Plan
    • Expert Assigned
    • Share the details as requested
    • Application for Manufacturing License for Insecticides
Documents Required
1. Certificate of Registration duly signed by the applicant
2. ISI Mark Certificate from Bureau of Indian Standard
3. Photo/ attested copy
4. Signature with seal

All About Insecticides License in India

Insecticides Act was brought into force with effect from 1st August, 1971. In the Act and the Rules were framed there under, an in that its compulsory registration of the pesticides at the Central level and license for their manufacture, formulation and sale are dealt with at the State level.

With the enforcement of the Insecticides Act in the country pesticides of very high quality are made available to the farmers and general public for house-hold use, for protecting the agricultural crops from the pests, humans from diseases and the health hazards involved in their use have been minimized to a great extent. For the effective enforcement of the Insecticides Act, the two bodies have been constituted at the Central level viz.

Central Insecticides Board and Registration Committee. (CIBRC)

One who want to sell, store or manufacture of insecticides can apply for this license. Along with the online submission, applicant needs to submit the hard copy of the documents and product sample at CIBRC Reception. It is only when both hard and soft copies of the application have been received at the reception that the application is passed onto Preliminary Scrutiny.

Registration of Insecticides

  1. An application for registration of an insecticide under the Act shall be made in Form I and the said Form including the verification portion, shall be signed in person duly authorised by firm Any change in members of the firm shall be forthwith intimated to the Secretary, Central Insecticides Board and Registration Committee and the Licensing Officer.
  2. First time registration of insecticide in India then Rs 5000/- each incase of application for registration under Sections 9(3) and 9(3B) of the Insecticides Act, 1968
  3. If already registered by someone else then Rs 2500/- each in case of application for registration under Section 9(4) of the Insecticides Act
  4. The certificate of registration shall be in Form II or Form II-A, as the case may be and shall be subiect to such conditions as specified therein.
  5. Registered for first time then provisional registration for two years after data generation full registration allowed
  6. Registration number will be given within a period of 12 months.

Licenses to Manufacture Insecticides:

  1. Application for the grant or renewal of a license to manufacture any insecticide shall be made in Form IlI or Form IV, as the case may be, to the licensing officer and shall be accompanied by a fee of Rs 2000/- every insecticide and a maximum of Rs 20,000/- for all insecticides for which the license is applied
  2. If an insecticide is proposed to be manufactured at more than one place, separate applications shall be made and separate licenses shall be issued in respect of every such place
  3. The license and any certificate of renewal shall be kept on the approved premises and shall be produced for inspection at the request of an Insecticide Inspector
  4. The licensee shall obtain ISI Mark Certificate from Bureau of Indian Standard within three months of the commencement of the manufacture
  5. No Insecticides shall be sold or distributed without ISI Mark Certification

License for Sale and distribute of Insecticides

  1. Applications for the grant or renewal of a license to sell, stock or exhibit for sale or distribute insecticides shall be made in Form VI or Form VIl, as the case may be, to the licensing officer and shall be accompanied by the fees specified in sub-rule (2).
  2. The fee payable under sub-rule (1) for grant or renewal of a license shall be Rs 500/- for every insecticide for which the license is applied subject to maximum Rs 7500/. There shall be a separate fee for each place, if any insecticide is sold, stocked or exhibited for sale at more than one place:
  3. PROVIDED that the maximum fee payable in respect of insecticides commonly used for household purposes and registered as such shall be Rs 7500/ for every place: PROVIDED further that, if the place of sale is established in the rural areas, the fee shall be one fifth of the fee specified in this rule.
  4. If any insecticide is proposed to be sold or stocked for sale at more than one place, separate applications shall be made and separate license shall be issued in respect of every such place [and for every insecticides.

Duration of licenses and Renewal

Any license issued or renewed under this shall, unless sooner suspended or cancelled, be in force for a period of two calendar years

  1. An application for the renewal of a license shall be made before its expiry and if such an application is made after the date of expiry then late fee will be charged as per the rules
  2. For addition, deletion or alteration and duplicate registration certificate fee is Rs 100/-
  3. For Cancellation fee Rs 100 and it should be published in two English and Hindi newspapers