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TAXAJ Corporate Services LLP - Financial Doctors

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A global platform where our experts of different field try to put forward the replies & solutions of all your queries in the simplest of language and the same time we have tried to connect, engage, and learn from each other. 100,000+ members | 400,000+ discussions

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TAXAJ User Group

TAXAJ Group of Companies

At TAXAJ we aren't just limited to work but much more than that, get to know us more and we bet you to fall in love with our work culture!


               Fun & Travel Venture

TaxPedition stands for Taxaj Expeditions where we share sneak peak to all the Fun & Travel at TAXAJ all through the year. We take traveling as much as seriously as work because we believe in actually living the life and not just repeating every year 75 times to call it a Life.

Traveling also boosts our moral support and team bonding since we get to know each other much beyond the work and deadlines of work.


                         Financial Doctors

TAXAJ is among India's largest cloud-based business services platform dedicated to helping entrepreneurs build their business effortlessly & simplifying taxation matters at an affordable cost. We are many Enthusiasts serving you as Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Attorneys, and Professional Grads to serve you the best. We love our work tries to provide the best customer experience through our efforts.

taxaj foundation

                       Non-Profit Initiative

If you're reading this, you're among Top 3 Crore Indians, who are "Tax Payers". It's only You people who pay taxes on time so that politicians pretend that they run India of 138 Crore People. Thinking of doing your bit towards the society? Taxaj Foundation is laid on the pillars of education for all. We believe if you educate a person, you educate his generation. We support for old age homes and stray cares as much as possible.