Digital Marketing Services - SEO, SMO, Website, App.
We empower your business by boosting its visibility on the digital platform so it converts website visitors into leads. The professionals working at TAXAJ, turn 'potential into possible' by creating perfect mix of cutting-edge technology & marketing intelligence to make your website search engine friendly.
TAXAJ is a consortium of Financial Doctors helping founders, business owners and entrepreneurs incorporate a business globally as a legal entity. Formally forming your company is often the first step in building a presence for your business. We aspire to support each of our customers in building a digital presence, or brand, for your newly formed company.
Whether you are one of the thousands of founders running Companies in India, foreign-owned US entities or a US citizen, banking institutions will require “proof” of your business. Following these 4 basic steps to build a digital presence for your business will help in the approval process:
- Company Domain: Once you receive a certificate of incorporation with your company name formally registered, you should immediately look to secure a company domain to be used for email exchanges related to your business and to host your business website.
- What?
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- Why? Trust: Obtaining the digital fingerprint for your business is step #1. This fingerprint will build immediate trust with anyone you interact with about your business.
- How? Currently, TAXAJ does not have a partner to support you with this; however, you can go check out or We will have a solution for our customers to purchase a company domain.
- Business website
- What?
- Why? Legitimacy and Transparency: For a newly formed company, your company domain is the digital name tag for your business. Mapping your company domain to not only your email address, but also a live website with helpful content is a given.
- How? You can directly reach out to us to help your launch your website or visit here to know the details in brief.
- LinkedIn/taxajca Business Profile and Social Media Presence
- What?
- Why? Brand Awareness: By publicly sharing your business on legitimate digital communities provide further validation of your business and brand.
- How? All of these profiles are free and very easy to step. Go directly to these sites to set up your profile and start starting and engaging with the community.
- Blog posts and Published articles
- What?
- Why? Reputation: Whether starting your own blog or publishing on third-party sites, the content you create and share leaves footprints of where you’ve been and the influence/expertise you bring to an industry or group.
- How? Currently, TAXAJ have partners to help publish your articles on third-party sites, but you can always start a blog on Medium.

Online marketing, also known as digital marketing, is the key business tool for enterprises today as it enables them to harness the power of the internet to take their business to the next level. It helps them gain visibility across the search engines, boost the website traffic, and engage users so that they get converted into customers. With most of the competitors in the market investing in a digital strategy, it becomes imperative for the business to stay in the race. More importantly, having a robust digital presence has emerged as a powerful branding idea that propels the business to new heights. Every business, therefore, needs to avail online marketing services to get the winning edge. At TAXAJ, we are a leading online marketing agency that offers a comprehensive range of services to help your business grow. We help you overcome the challenges and solve problems related to maximising your online reach.
Any marketing that uses electronic devices to convey promotional messaging and measure its impact. In practice, digital marketing typically refers to marketing campaigns that appear on a computer, phone, tablet, or other device. It can take many forms, including online video, display ads, and social media posts. Digital marketing is often compared to “traditional marketing” such as magazine ads, billboards, and direct mail.

Oddly, television is usually lumped in with traditional marketing.display ads, and social media posts. Digital marketing is often compared to “traditional marketing” such as magazine ads, billboards, and direct mail. Oddly, television is usually lumped in with traditional marketing. Did you know that more than 3 quarters of Indians go online on a daily basis? Not only that, but 43% go on more than once a day and 26% are online “almost constantly.”These figures are even higher among mobile internet users. 89% of Indians go online at least daily, and 31% are online almost constantly. As a marketer, it’s important to take advantage of the digital world with an online advertising presence, by building a brand, providing a great customer experience that also brings more potential customers and more, with a digital strategy.
Online Marketing Services You Can Avail At TAXAJ
A website should be optimised for search engines to be visible and get its target traffic. We offer reliable SEO services that drive your website to top search rankings and increase your online reach.
Mobile App
Launching an app without having an effective marketing strategy is like being a needle in a haystack. Our digital marketing experts help you with App Store Optimization so that your app gets a winning edge over its competitors.
App and web analytics serve as reliable tools to study the customer behaviour and frame strategies for getting more conversions. We bring end-to-end app and web analytics services to help you gain business insight and use it for best results.
Social media is a fast and effective way to expand your business online. As digital marketing experts, we formulate an effective social media marketing strategy to harness the power of social media channels to expand your audience.
Benefits Of Availing Online Marketing Services For Your Business
Why Choose Us As Your Online Marketing Service Partner
All about Digital Marketing
Digital marketing, also known as online marketing, promotes brands to connect with potential customers using digital communication. This includes email, social media, and web-based advertising and text and multimedia messages as a marketing channel. Essentially, if a marketing campaign involves digital communication, it's digital marketing.
Inbound Marketing v/s Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing & Inbound Marketing are two so similar concepts that one can quickly get confused. Digital marketing uses most of the tools used in inbound marketing, like email and various online content. Both have the same function to capture the attention of prospects through the buyer's journey and turn them into customers. But the two approaches take different views of the relationship between the tool and the goal. Digital marketing considers how each tool can convert prospects into customers. A brand's digital marketing strategy uses multiple platforms to amplify its results.
Inbound marketing is a holistic concept where goals are defined first. Then available tools are evaluated to determine which will reach target customers. Now there is defining moment of the sales funnel where conversion should happen. The ultimate thing to remember about both is a marketing professional don't have to choose between the 2. They work best together. Inbound marketing provides structure and purpose for effective digital marketing to digital marketing efforts, ensuring that each digital marketing channel works toward a goal.

B2B v/s B2C Digital Marketing
Digital marketing strategy applied for both B2B and B2C companies, but best practices differ significantly between the 2 as they both have different end user mindset.
- B2B clients have a longer decision-making processes due to their high ticket size and thus have a bit longer sales funnels. Relationship-building is one of the vital strategies for these clients, whereas B2C customers respond better to short-term offers and instant messages.
- B2B transactions are usually based on logic and evidence, which skilled B2B digital marketers present. B2C content is more likely to be emotionally based, making the customer feel good about a purchase.
- B2B decisions tend to need multiple person's input. The marketing materials are shareable and downloadable. B2C customers, on the other hand, loves to establish an one-on-one connections.
Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. So there will be a few here also. A B2C company with a high-ticket product, such as a property, car or computer, provides more informative and serious content. Your strategy always needs to be geared toward your customer base, whether you're B2B or B2C.
Types of Digital Marketing
Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a marketing tool and not a form of marketing. The Balance and expertise define it as "the art and science of making web pages so attractive that the search engines start to love it." The "art and science" part of SEO is important and worth knowing. SEO is a science because it requires lots of research and weighs different contributing factors in achieving the highest possible ranking. Today, the essential elements to consider when optimizing a web page include:
👉 Quality of content
👉 Level of user engagement
👉 Mobile-friendliness
👉 Number and quality of inbound links
The strategic use of these makes SEO a science, but the unpredictability and related results make it an art. In SEO, there's no guaranteed results or proven formula for ranking highly. Google keeps changing its algorithm now and then, so it's impossible to make any exact predictions. What is best is closely monitor your page's performance and try to make adjustments accordingly.

SEO is a significant factor in content marketing, a strategy based on distributing relevant and valuable content to a target audience. In marketing strategy, content marketing is to attract leads that can ultimately convert into customers. But it is quite different from traditional advertising. Instead of enticing prospects with the potential value from a product or service, it educated them about offer value for free in content form, i.e. written material in either digital or physical condition. Content marketing matters and there are convincing stats to prove it:
👉 84% of consumers expect companies to publish entertaining and helpful content experiences that are relatable regularly.
👉 62% of companies having 5,000+ employees make content daily.
👉 92% of marketers believe that their company creates and values content as an essential asset
Effective content marketing can be pretty tricky sometimes. Content marketing writers need to rank highly in search engine results. It engages people who will read the material, share it & it will reach more prospective readers and buyers who will interact further with the brand. When the content is exciting & relevant, it can establish strong relationships throughout the pipeline.
Social media marketing drives traffic and brand awareness by engaging people from social media platforms where there is already a discussion online. The most popular social media marketing platforms are Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, with LinkedIn and YouTube have their object base and are not far behind. Because social media marketing involves audiences already active on various platforms, it has become a popular way of getting attention. It's the most famous content medium for B2C marketers at 96%, and it's also gaining ground in the B2B sphere. According to various Content Marketing Institute, 61% of B2B content marketers increased their use of social media by more than 100% this year.
All Social media marketing plans with us offers built-in engagement metrics, which helps to understand how you're reaching your target audience. You get to decide the types of interactions that mean the most to you, i.e. your conversion metrics, whether it means several shares, views, comments, or total clicks to your website. Direct purchase may not even be your target when you use a social media marketing strategy. Many brands use this to start dialogues with audiences rather than asking them to spend money right away.

This interaction is typical in brands targeting older audiences or offering products and services inappropriate for impulse buys. It all depends on your company's goals. To learn more about how Taxaj can help with your social media strategy, check out our free social media management tools compared to others.

Pay-per-click is the fastest mode of marketing. PPC is posting an ad on any social media platform and paying only, and every time someone clicks on your ad. You can customize everything right from how who and when people see your ad. A spot availability on the search engine results page, known as SERP, fills the spot with an instant auction relevant to the user demand. All search engine has their algorithm which prioritizes each available ad based on several factors, including:
👉 Ad quality
👉 Keyword relevance
👉 Landing page quality
👉 Bid amount
Each PPC campaign has predefined target actions that viewers are meant to complete after clicking the particular ad. These actions are called conversions, and they can be either transactional or non-transactional. Sharing a picture is a conversion, but so is newsletter signup or a call made to your home office or even liking a Facebook post. And, of course, if you're making a purchase, it's a conversion. Whatever your target conversions are, you can track the step by step in your web platform to see how your campaign is doing.

Native advertising is marketing in disguise, and its goal is to blend in with its surrounding content to be less evident than advertising.
Native advertising is a way around the direct ads created in reaction to the cynicism of the consumer mindset today. We all know that the creator of an ad pays to show it. Many consumers will conclude that the ad is biased, and as a result, they will ignore it. A native ad gets around directly by offering information or entertainment before it comes to its main part, i.e. anything promotional, downplaying the "ad" aspect.
It's essential always to label your native ads very clearly. Use words like "promoted" or "sponsored." If those indicators are concealed, readers might spend time engaging with the content and not realize that it's advertising. When your consumers know what they're getting, they'll feel better about your content and brand. Native ads are less intrusive than traditional ads, but they're not intended to be deceptive.
Marketing automation is a science that uses software to power digital marketing campaigns, synchronizes the internet of things and improving the efficiency and relevance of advertising in a short period.
According to statistics:
- 90% of Internet users find personalization either “very” or “somewhat” appealing.
- 81% of consumers love when the brands they engage with to understand them better
- 77% of companies believe in the value of real-time personalization, yet 60% struggle with it
- Collect and analyze consumer information
- Design targeted marketing campaigns
- Send and post marketing messages at the correct times to the right audiences
Many marketing automation tools use prospect engagement (or lack thereof) with a particular message to determine when and how to reach out next. This level of real-time customization means that you can effectively create an individualized marketing strategy for each customer without any additional time investment.

The concept of email marketing is so simple and obvious that you send promotional emails hoping that your prospect clicks on them. However, the execution is not so simple. The first thing you should look for is to make sure that your emails are wanted. The best way to create the audience is to make an opt-in list where the prospect can subscribe to your emails by adding themselves to the list that does the following:
👉 Personalises the content for each individual, both in the body and in the subject line
👉 States clearly what kind of emails the subscriber will get
👉 Offers a clear unsubscribe option
👉 Integrates both transactional and promotional emails
Email marketers want their prospects to see the campaign as a valued service, not just an irrelevant promotional tool. Email marketing is a proven, effective technique as it is the most widely used form of marketing all on its own: 89% of surveyed professionals named it as their most effective and instant lead generator. It can be more beneficial if you incorporate other techniques such as marketing automation tools, which lets you segment and schedule your emails to meet your customer's needs more effectively.
The benefits of Digital Marketing
Digital marketing has become prominent largely because it reaches such a wide audience of people, but it offers a number of other advantages as well. These are a few of the benefits.
A broad geographical reach
When you post an ad online, people can see it no matter where they are (provided you haven’t limited your ad geographically). This makes it easy to grow your business's market reach.
Quantifiable results
The functionality of a marketing strategy can be derived by any of the two points, i.e. by how many customers it attracts and how much revenue it ultimately drives. But how do you do that with a non-digital marketing strategy? There's always the traditional option of asking each customer, "How did you find us?"
Unfortunately, that doesn't work in all industries. Many companies don't have one-on-one conversations with their customers, and surveys don't always get complete results. With digital marketing, results monitoring is simple. Digital marketing software and platforms automatically track the number of desired conversions you get, whether that means open email rates, visits to your home page, or direct purchases.
More connection with customers
Digital marketing lets you communicate with your audience and customers in real-time. More importantly, it allows them to interact with you. You are planning for your social media strategy. It's great when you put all your efforts into strategizing your target audience & they see your latest post, but it's even better when they interact with it by commenting on it or sharing it. It means more buzz about your product or service, which results in increased visibility every time someone joins the conversation on a web platform.
Interactivity is beneficial for your customers and you as well. Their level of engagement increases by actively participating in your brand's story, and that sense of ownership creates a strong sense of brand loyalty.
Digital Marketing creates growth
Digital marketing today is one of the primary focuses of any business's marketing strategy. Earlier, there was no such way to stay in such consistent contact with customers and get feedback. As there is nothing else that offers such personalization that digital data can provide. The more you embrace the possibilities of digital marketing, the more you'll be able to realize your company's growth potential.
Cost Efficiency
Digital marketing has a broader audience reach than traditional marketing but at a lower cost. Overhead costs for other 'Over the Line' marketing mediums like newspaper ads, television spots, and other conventional marketing opportunities can be higher than different modes. They also give you less control over your target audiences that who will see those messages. With digital marketing, audience targetting is precise, i.e. you can create just one content piece that can draw visitors to your blog as long as it's active and visible. You can create an email marketing campaign that delivers messages to each targeted customer from a list on a scheduled date and time, and it's easy to modify that schedule or the content if you feel so. When you add it up in a funnel, digital marketing gives you much more control, flexibility, and customer contact for your ad spend.
Easier Personalization
With Digital marketing, you can systematically gather customer data that offline marketing can't do. Data collected digitally tends to be precise. Imagine you offer financial services and send out special offers to people looking for such products. You know you can get better results if you target the person's exact interest, so you decide to prepare two campaigns. One is for young families looking at your life insurance products and other financial instruments. At the same time, millennial entrepreneurs are more likely to considered retirement plans.
There is no way to gather these data without automated tracking? How many phone records could you go through to record all these data? How many customer profiles would you need to search? And how do you know who has gone through the brochure you sent out? With digital marketing and supporting tools, all of this information is already at your fingertips.
Easy & convenient conversions
Digital marketing lets your customers interact and take action immediately after viewing your ad or content on any web medium where they are considering. With traditional advertisements, the most immediate result you get is a phone call after someone views your ad, and that tracking is quite challenging. But most of them do not have the time to reach out to a company over the phone while they're doing their work
With digital marketing, they can get converted by clicking a link or saving a blog post and move along the sales funnel right away, giving us all the reporting that we may need. They might not make a purchase immediately, but you can still track their progress as they'll stay connected with you and will provide you with a chance to interact with them further.